Herefordshire and Worcestershire

Key Contacts

  • Leads
  • Analyst Team
  • Evaluation Lead
  • Knowledge/ Evidence Lead
  • Education/ Training Lead
  • Intelligence Function Lead: Mike Emery

    DSU Team Leader: Conor Price, Chair Herefordshire Intelligence Cell

    DSU Team Leader: Nicola O’Brien, Chair Worcestershire Intelligence Cell

    Current Local Workplan

      1. Inequalities: In waiting lists, in access to care.
      2. PCN population profiles: Creation of profiles to support PCN understanding of their population, supported by system analysts.
      3. PHM apprentices: Recruitment of a cadre of staff who will support the development and implementation of PHM across the ICS.
      4. Better Data, Better Outcomes / NAPC: Learning from the national association of primary care to embed a PHM approach across PCNs.
      5. System wide Data and Analytical Architecture: Development of System wide Data and Analytical Architecture that facilitates data linkage, case finding, population health analytics by way of agreed data standards, data coding, reporting principles and common approaches and methodologies to modelling. Linked to NHSx Enterprise Architecture pioneer programme (H&W one of only 3 ICSs nationally involved in programme)