Tools for your IF

In this section, we include tools to support local systems across the Midlands Decision Support Network to develop their own local Intelligence Functions. The guides are developed to support system leaders to improve the quality of decisions made, and in doing so provide some tools and techniques for decision makers to use.

Strategic decision makers in health and social care are faced with the challenge of how to allocate scarce resources in order to improve the health and well-being of the people they serve. In making these decisions they will have to balance competing priorities, there may not be one right answer, and there are often uncertainties about the future.

Through the Midlands Decision Support Network, we are working together across all of our partners to develop tools and guidance to help and support local health and care systems to make better informed decisions through evidence, analysis and evaluation. By working together across the network, we are learning from each other and using this learning to develop guidance for our local systems.



Resources for your system

Evaluation Guide

This guide has been produced to take you through the process, and considerations, in designing and delivering a high quality evaluation – whatever your resources

Evaluation Guide
Decision Making

Embracing Uncertainty:  A guide to support strategic decision making in health and social care is the first guide to decision making for the Midlands Decision Support Network

Decision Making
Knowledge Management - Content Management Strategy

The Knowledge Library is a collection of evidence and analysis produced by Midlands Decision Support Network to encourage knowledge sharing. The criteria for adding documents to the library is set out in our content management strategy.

Knowledge Library – Content Management Strategy
Evidence Guide

Finding evidence for decision making: this guide is written for analysts who are seeking to triangulate findings with the wider evidence base and anyone that wants to use evidence to inform decisions about health and care.

Evidence Guide
Insight to Action Guide

The Insight to Action guide provides an introduction to using data and evidence to support changes in health and social care.

Insight to Action guide
Intelligence Function Guidance Toolkit

This toolkit accompanies NHSE guidance that describes what an ICS intelligence function should aim to do and what an emerging, developing and maturing intelligence function should look like. It has been developed for NHSE by the Strategy Unit with additional advisory input from the Nuffield Trust.

Intelligence Function Guidance Toolkit