A picture of Justine Wiltshire
Justine Wiltshire Senior Healthcare Analyst The Strategy Unit
A picture of Fraser Battye
Fraser Battye Principal Consultant The Strategy Unit
A picture of Steven Wyatt
Steven Wyatt Head of Strategic Analytics The Strategy Unit
A picture of peter Spilsbury
Peter Spilsbury Director The Strategy Unit

The Strategy Unit has produced a series of reports that describe the health services that patients use in the last 2 years of their lives.  Reports are available for the Midlands region as a whole and for each of the 11 Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP) or Integrated Care Systems in the region.  

The reports contain important insights into

  • the services that patients use,
  • how the patterns of service use change as patients approach death,
  • differences in experience by ethnicity, deprivation and cause of death
  • the costs of hospital treatment at the end of life and how this varies by STP
  • levels of non-beneficial treatments
  • the additional hospital capacity that may be required to accommodate the projected increase in deaths over the next decade


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